Customer Guidelines For How Ruckus Handles Third-Party Information Requests

At Ruckus, we value our customers’ information and aim to protect it.  We believe that law enforcement, government agencies and private parties should go directly to our customers to obtain information regarding those entities, their employees and users.  However, there are situations where we may be required or find it appropriate to share information in our possession or control pursuant to lawful requests.  By providing these guidelines, we hope to help our customers understand how we respond to third party requests for their information.

How does Ruckus respond to legal requests for customer data?

If we receive a subpoena, court order, warrant or other legal process (which we refer to as “legal requests”) for a customer’s data, we will take the following steps to protect our customer’s interests:

·       We will carefully review each such request for customer data to determine its substantive merit, legal enforceability and procedural validity.

·       We will disclose information pursuant to a valid legal request where we have a good faith belief that the law requires us to do so. This may include responding to legal requests from jurisdictions outside of the United States that are issued via a U.S. court by way of a mutual legal assistance treaty or letter rogatory.

·       We will use reasonable efforts to provide only that information which we are obligated to provide by the legal process itself and as required by law.

·       Our policy is to notify affected customers about any pending requests for their personal information pursuant to a valid legal request prior to any disclosure (so that the customer may attempt to limit or prevent disclosure), except where prohibited by the legal process itself, by a court order or by applicable law. 

·       We may make an exception to these commitments in emergency situations where we believe disclosing customer data will prevent serious harm.

How does Ruckus respond to other third party requests for customer data?

 Ruckus will direct any third party requests for customer information that are not pursuant to a legally enforceable legal request to the affected customer. 

What customer data does Ruckus collect and store?

 Ruckus collects and stores information from our customers in connection with their use of our websites, products or services, in accordance with the applicable privacy policy and terms of service.  Customers can find examples of the types of information that we may collect and store in the applicable privacy policy and terms of service.

Do you have any other questions, comments or suggestions?

Please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected].

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