Software Downloads

SCI 5.4.2 (GA) Software Release (.qcow.tgz image)

 Ruckus SmartCell Insight (SCI) Release 5.4.2 (GA)

    - Package for KVM on a Virtual Machine.

Please read the SCI 5.4.2 (GA) Installation Guide before upgrading for minimum resource requirements. Read it now.

To migrate data from SCI 1.4 use the 4 scripts contained in the SCI 1.4 data migration scripts link found Here.

Read this version SCI 5.4.2 (GA) Release Notes at This Link.

File name:  rsa-v5-4.2-qcow2-01e3k66epr.tgz

File size:    4,344,129 bytes

2020-03-24 11:51:50 AM
Premium Support Users
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File Size:
2 GB
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SCI 5.4.2 (GA) Software Release (.qcow.tgz image)

SmartCell Insight (SCI)

Ruckus SmartCell Insight (SCI) is the industry’s first Big Data Wi-Fi analytics and reporting engine purpose built to help service providers make informed business decisions regarding the operation of their Wi-Fi networks. It makes use of Big Data technology and storage innovations found in columnar database repositories, which greatly enhance the scale and performance of a system when used to process historical data.

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