Software Downloads

ZD Remote Control ZDRC v2.2.1 Mobile App for Android

Requires Android OS version 4.1+, and a Ruckus ZoneDirector running firmware 9.5

or later and including ZD 10.0 release.

Attached is the ZDRC v2.2.1 for Android firmware Release Notes.

Download ZD Remote Control v2.2.1 for Android from the Google Play Store.

2017-04-03 01:06:30 PM
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ZD Remote Control ZDRC v2.2.1 Mobile App for Android

ZoneDirector Remote Control

ZoneDirector Remote Control is a groundbreaking application that monitors and configures Ruckus ZoneDirectors and Access Points. Users of this application will now be able to perform basic configuration on the go, using a Tablet, without having to carry a bulky laptop.

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