Technical Documents

Ruckus Private LTE Network & SAS Configuration Guide

Ruckus Private LTE Network & SAS Configuration Guide

A Quick Guide to help configure Ruckus' EPC Network & SAS for Ruckus' Private LTE Network Service. 

2020-03-27 06:42:54 PM
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Applicable To The Following Products

Ruckus LTE (CBRS)

Ruckus LTE (Citizens Broadband Radio Service)

Ruckus Networks, a CommScope company, offers a broad portfolio of indoor and outdoor CBRS-capable LTE access points. Private LTE networks using CBRS deliver higher network reliability, security, range, QoS, and mobility than is possible with unlicensed spectrum.

Ruckus portfolio of Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) 3.5 GHZ LTE access points are described at This Link.

Ruckus LTE (CBRS) model APs include Indoor: Q710, Q410 and Outdoor: Q910

Ruckus LTE Terms & Conditions (but no Trial period)

Click here for more information on Ruckus LTE Terms & Conditions

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